Information Design for “Weak Signal” detection and processing in Economic Intelligence: A case study on Health resources


  • Sahbi Sidhom
  • Philippe Lambert



Economic Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Information Design, Weak Signals


The topics of this research cover all phases of “Information Design” applied to detect and profit from weak signals in economic intelligence (EI) or business intelligence (BI). The field of the information design (ID) applies to the process of translating complex, unorganized or unstructured data into valuable and meaningful information.  ID   practice     requires an interdisciplinary approach, which combines skills in graphic design (writing, analysis processing and editing), human performances technology and human factors. Applied in the context of information system, it allows end-users to easily detect implicit topics known as “weak signals” (WS). In our approach to implement the ID, the processes cover the development of a knowledge management (KM) process in the context of EI. A case study concerning information monitoring health resources is presented using ID processes to outline weak signals. Both French and American bibliographic databases were applied to make the connection to multilingual concepts in the health watch process.


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