Intelligence as a discipline, not just a practice


  • Magnus Hoppe



competitive intelligence, ideal informative flow, ideal organizational thinking, intelligence academics, intelligence scholars, intelligence science, organized intelligence


This paper is a call for a new research agenda for the topic of intelligence studies
as a scientific discipline counterbalancing the present domination of research in the art of
intelligence or intelligence as a practice. I argue that there is a need to move away from a narrow
perspective on practice to pursue a broader understanding of intelligence as an organizational
discipline with all of its complexities where the subject is seen as more critical and is allowed to
reflect on itself as a topic. This path will help intelligence academics connect to theoretical
developments gained elsewhere and move forward, towards establishing more of an intelligence
science. The article is critical of what the author sees as a constructionist line of thinking.
Instead the author presents a theory of intelligence as learning how to “muddle through”
influenced more by organizational theory. The author also argues for an independent scientific
journal in Intelligence.


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