Interactive methods for graph exploration


  • Eloise Loubier Toulouse University I.R.I.T. (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex 9



Grap exploration, strategic watch, visualization, business intelligence


In a strategic watch context, visualization of relational data allows transformation, coding and visualization of great data quantities. Access to interactive, adjustable functionalities by the user would facilitate the domination and the precision of the analysis. From this point of view, the VisuGraph tool allows visualization and exploration of relational data, by the way of applicable and controllable methods of analysis. The main interactive VisuGraph functionalities are presented and illustrated, revealing their importance in graph exploration. The user is the heart of the tool; he or she fully controls the representation and directs the analysis according to own needs.


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