This is an outdated version published on 2022-02-16. Read the most recent version.

Some personal reflections on 11 years of JISIB editorial notes and production


  • Klaus Solberg Söilen


Intelligence Studies, Economics, Competitive Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Management


For now, this is the last issue of JISIB. The reason is that funding for Open-Source journals through
NOS-HS has been halted for all journals ending in 2022. JISIB had financing through 2021. There may
be a revival of Open-Source initiatives and then it’s possible to continue if we can obtain the funds, but
for now JISIB will be put on pause.
JISIB came out regularly between 2011-2022, so for 11 years. For eight of these years the journal
received funding from VR and NOS-HS. NOS-HS is the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in
the Humanities and Social Sciences. It’s a cooperation between the research councils in Denmark,
Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden responsible for research within the Humanities and Social
Sciences. We are very grateful for continuous support received from NOS-HS. It has been instrumental
for the advancement of Open-Source Publishing in Sweden.
The journal was started at a time when the interest for competitive intelligence (CI) was declining,
during the first decade of the 21st century. Bibliometric analysis shows that JISIB has been the primary
outlet for scientific articles on CI for the past decade. Most articles have been in the border between CI
and business intelligence, or more specifically between software and web-solutions, web-intelligence, and
social media intelligence. Some articles have been in market intelligence and other closely related areas.
In France there has been a continuous interest for “intelligence economique” and in Sweden
“omvärldsanalys”. We have also seen new areas emerge and some areas increase in popularity, like
collective intelligence, foresight and insight (competitive and market insight). However, the core of the
content is much the same despite this relabeling. It’s still about processes for providing decision makers
with need-to-know information


Gilad, Benjamin (2021). The Opposite of Noise: The Power of Competitive Intelligence. Independently


Nyquist, H. (1924). Certain factors affecting telegraph speed. Bell System Technical Journal, 3; 324-46.

Søilen, K. S. (2013). An overview of articles on Competitive Intelligence in JCIM and CIR. Journal of

Intelligence Studiesin Business, 3(1).

Jenster, P., & Søilen, K. S. (2013). The relationship between strategic planning and company

performance–A Chinese perspective. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 3(1).

Søilen, K. S. (2014). A survey of users’ perspectives and preferences as to the value of JISIB-a spotcheck.

Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 4(2).

Solberg Søilen, K. (2015). A place for intelligence studies as a scientific discipline. Journal of Intelligence

Studies in Business, 5(3), 35-46.

Søilen, K. S. (2016). A research agenda for intelligence studies in business. Journal of Intelligence Studies

in Business, 6(1).

Søilen, K.S. (2016) Users’ perceptions of Data as a Service (DaaS). Journal of Intelligence Studies in

Business. 6(2) 43-51

Söilen, K. S., & Benhayoun, L. (2021). Household acceptance of central bank digital currency: the role of

institutional trust. International Journal of Bank Marketing

Søilen, K.S. (2016) Economic and industrial espionage at the start of the 21st century – Status

quaestionis. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 6 (3) 51-64.

Søilen, K.S. (2017) Why the social sciences should be based in evolutionary theory: the example of

geoeconomics and intelligence studies. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 7 (1) 5-37.

Søilen, K. S. (2017). Why care about competitive intelligence and market intelligence? The case of

Ericsson and the Swedish Cellulose Company. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 7(2).

Søilen, K.S., Tontini, G. and Aagerup, U. (2017) The perception of useful information derived from

Twitter: A survey of professionals. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 7 (3) 50-61

Søilen, K.S. (2019) How managers stay informed about the surrounding world. Journal of Intelligence

Studies in Business. 9 (1) 28-35

Søilen, K.S. (2019) Making sense of the collective intelligence field: A review. Journal of Intelligence

Studies in Business. 9 (2) 6-18

Solberg Søilen, K. (2019). The argument that "there is nothing new in the competitive intelligence

field". Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 9(3), 4-6.



