The Role of Competitive Intelligence in Improving Performance through Organizational Learning, A case study Start-ups in Algeria




competitor intelligence, market intelligence, organizational learning, start-ups, the performance


The study aims at identifying the role of competitive intelligence in improving company performance through organizational learning in start-ups, Relied on a descriptive-analytical approach with the use of a questionnaire to collect data, which was distributed to a random sample of 255 Start-ups in Algeria. The structural equation modelling was also used through the Smart pls 4 program to test the study's hypotheses.
The study concluded that there is a weak indirect role between competitive intelligence and the performance through organizational learning expressed in a correlation coefficient estimated at 23.1%, while the direct role was greater with a correlation coefficient of 61.6%.This is due to the fact that the mediator variable does not play its active role in strengthening the relationship between competitive intelligence and the start-ups performance despite this impact, start-ups in Algeria does not effectively carry out research to obtain available opportunities in the market.


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