An evaluation of business intelligence tools: a cluster analysis of users’ perceptions


  • Fatma Fourati-Jamoussi
  • Claude Narcisse Niamba



business intelligence, cluster analysis, TAM model, TTF model, user perception


The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the use of business
intelligence (BI) tools by professionals and students to help designers of these tools get the most
efficiency out of a monitoring process. This paper explores the business and competitive
intelligence literature. BI is considered to be a new area in information systems, so literature
research was conducted in the area of management information systems (MIS) with two
evaluation models: task-technology fit and technology acceptance to evaluate BI tools. A
questionnaire was sent to users of business intelligence tools addressed to French companies in
different trades and engineering students and the most pertinent replies were examined. The
responses were analyzed using the statistical software SPAD. Results showed a typology from
the various profiles of users of this technology using the method of classification. We note
different perceptions between professional and student users (the clients). Although this study
remains focused on individual perspective, it requires more examination of the organizational
impact of the use of BI tools. The identification of the different user profiles was done by using
a cluster analysis. For the designers of BI tools these results highlight the importance of user
perception, suggesting designers take into account the perception of all user types. As these
tools develop, more and more companies will be looking for skills for monitoring and
management of strategic information.


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