Major advances in ophthalmology: emergence of bio-additive manufacturing


  • Marisela Rodríguez Salvador
  • Ana Marcela Hernández de Menéndez



3D bioprinting, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, bio-additive manufacturing, biomedical devices, bioprinting, health, ophthalmic devices, ophthalmology, sientometrics, patent analysis


Important efforts to discover new ways to combat illnesses are being carried out
worldwide. In this sense, bio-additive manufacturing is an innovative technology that will
revolutionize the health industry, as it provides the possibility to develop three-dimensional bio
devices, such as body tissues and even organs. This research explores the most novel inventions
of bio-additive manufacturing in ophthalmology. The main aim is to support the decision
making of the research community and the organizations involved in this industry. The major
advances, organizations, research focuses and main countries involved in the ophthalmology
field were identified. To accomplish this, a scientometric patent analysis was carried out using
advanced data mining software and consultations with experts. Insights show a global research
trend toward the development of lenses, followed by prosthesis and implants. Bio-additive
manufacturing is now in a nascent S-curve phase; however, important advances are being
carried out.


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