Identification and classification of organizational level competencies for BI success
BI success, business intelligence, exploratory factor analysis, organizational level competenciesAbstract
Business intelligence is a technology-oriented solution that businesses need to
survive in today’s competitive and constantly changing market. To gain the benefits of BI systems, it is important to evaluate, assess, and improve factors that have an influence on BI success. Organizational competencies can provide answers to the question of how companies could gain more benefits from BI systems. While investment in BI systems is increasingly growing, measures to evaluate effective organizational competencies leading to BI success are
gaining more importance. Therefore, this research identified a number of effective organizational competencies that contribute to BI success. Using the developed questionnaire for determining the effect of organizational level success on BI success, the research data was gathered for the study. A chi-square test confirmed the effectiveness of all nineteen identified
competencies. Then, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried out on the data in order to identify the underlying dimensions. In addition, competencies were grouped into six categories, namely data management, information system/information technology (IS/IT) development, financial resources, relationship management, IS strategy and human capital policies. As a result, these competencies can be used as a measure to evaluate an organization’s
status in holding some of the effective factors for BI success.
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