Cross-cultural strategic intelligence solutions for leveraging open innovation opportunities


  • Alexandru Capatina
  • Gianita Bleoju
  • Kiyohiro amazakib Yamazakib
  • Rozalia Nistor Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania



Disruptive intelligence, japan, open innovation, romania, strategic intelligence, technology brokers, technology fountains, technology isolationists, technology sponges


Although the concept of open innovation has become widely discussed by scholars
and practitioners, few cross-cultural studies focus on the assessment of companies’ behaviours
towards “not invented here” and “not sold here” syndromes. The purpose of this paper is to
investigate the profiles of Japanese and Romanian companies operating in two fields, IT and
manufacturing, from the open innovation perspective. The goal of this study is therefore to
provide comprehensive empirical evidence for the adoption of inbound and outbound open
innovation activities in the companies from these two target countries. Data from a sample of
Japanese companies and Romanian companies were used to test two hypotheses on open
innovation behaviour, in the context of a cross-cultural comparative approach. The results show
that technology isolationists are more frequently found among the Romanian companies
(especially in the manufacturing field), than the Japanese companies, which can be explained
by the fact that Japanese firms are mainly based on leading innovative technologies, while
Romanian firms are early adopters of the advanced technologies, due to the economic
circumstances. Japanese companies included in the sample are defined as technology fountains,
followed by technology brokers, proving their appetite for outbound open innovation. In this
context, strategic intelligence solutions, once performed in collaborative culture environments,
will lead to the improvement of the partners’ managerial competences and will act as enablers
for competitive positioning, proving the added-value of the acquired know-how through open
innovation practices.


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