Proposal of an assessment scale in competitive intelligence applied to the tourism sector
Competitive intelligence, tourismAbstract
Companies operate in uncertain environments, where decision-making is a
complex task. Thus, one of the key elements to take into account in the aforementioned decision-making is the environment in which the business operates. This is where competitive intelligence (CI) makes sense, understood as the process of establishing the environmental information needs, information acquisition and its analysis, transforming it into intelligence and putting it at the service of decision-makers in the company. This paper focuses on the
proposal of a CI model that can be applied in the tourism sector, specifically in hotels, due to the relevance of this sector in many economies worldwide. In order to build the model a deep review of the CI literature was made and subsequently the content validation method was applied, for the purpose of identifying the most important items in the two first stages of the CI cycle: planning and collection.
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