Key success factors to business intelligence solution implementation


  • José Manuel Villamarín García
  • Beatriz Helena Díaz Pinzón



BI projects, BI success, business intelligence, critical factors, key success factors


Business intelligence (BI) solutions have been adopted within organizations as a
mean to achieve a more grounded decision making process that results in better organizational outcomes. Nowadays, about 70% to 80% of business intelligence implementation projects fail due to both technological and managerial issues. Multi-methodology proposed by Mingers (2006) was followed to develop the research in four phases: appreciation, where documental search was
conducted through a literature review; analysis, where hypothetical structures related with the key success factors were proposed; assessment, where key success factors were assessed along with experts; and action, where research results discussion was shown. As a result, 13 factors that affect the business intelligence solution’s success were identified. Those factors contribute
to improve planning and implementation of business intelligence projects, accomplishing in a greater extent the purposes of these projects.


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