Integration of business intelligence with corporate strategic management


  • Mouhib Alnoukari Damascus University, Syria
  • Abdellatif Hanano aDamascus University, Syria



Balanced scorecard, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, corporate performance management, corporate strategic management, strategic intelligence


Integration of business intelligence and corporate strategic management has a
direct impact on modern and flexible organizations. This integration helps decision makers to
implement their corporate strategies, adapt easily to changes in the environment, and gain
competitive advantages. This paper extends the studies in this domain, and clarifies the
relationships between business intelligence and strategic management. It highlights also the
role of business intelligence in corporate performance management and strategic intelligence.
This paper proposes a BSC-BI framework that facilitates the integration of business intelligence
with a balanced scorecard methodology. The BSC-BI framework implementation is
demonstrated using a case study on the telecom field.


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