Integration of textual VoC into a CX data model for business intelligence use in B2C


  • Lucie Sperkova



Market Market Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, Information Systems, Geo-Economics


Customer experience (CX) focuses on customer feedback. CX is a holistic construct which contains different perceptual elements such as satisfaction and loyalty, but also emotions or personality. Customers share their opinions, which contain these elements also in textual expressions through different channels, known in research as Voice of Customer (VoC). Currently, VoC is collected mainly in customer surveys and manually evaluated, or through simple quantitative measurement from data scattered in various systems at the end of a customer journey. To bridge this gap, we designed a multidimensional CX data model for integrated storage of all customers’ data from structured and textual sources. A consolidated CX measurement to monitor elements of CX during the entire customer journey from the customer perspective is proposed to serve as business intelligence. The artefact offers a selfcontained expandable data mart affordable to implement in small and medium B2C enterprises. Companies can now manage customer relationships and future performance more automatically and effectively thanks to integrated information mined from texts, combined with other data from internal systems and shared across the company in unified reporting.


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