Strategic thinking and competitive intelligence: Comparative research in the automotive and communication industries


  • Mehmet Emirhan Kula
  • Atılhan Naktiyok


Automotive industry, communication industry, competitive intelligence, strategic thinking


The main purpose of this study is to examine the effect of strategic thinking skills
of executives on competitive intelligence in high competition intense industries. The concept of
strategic thinking represents a cognitive process that was examined along with system
thinking, creativity and vision dimensions. On the other side the concept of competitive
intelligence was evaluated with the dimension of competitive intelligence context and the
competitive intelligence process as a process that represents the systematic collection of
information about competitors through legal and ethical ways. In this study, the concepts of
strategic thinking and competitive intelligence are examined around the related literature and
to what extent these concepts are related to each other was investigated as well. Since the
research on this relationship has a unique attribution, it contributes to the related literature. To
test the model formed in line with the main purpose of the research, data were collected from
628 executives, who work in five high competition intense automotive industries and three
communication industries, using a questionnaire method. The developed hypotheses were
evaluated with appropriate analysis methods. In addition, industrial differences were revealed
by comparing the two industries with appropriate analyses. According to the findings of the
analysis, the strategic thinking skills of both executives participating in the research as well as
the executives working in both industries have a positive and meaningful effect on their
competitive intelligence. The study has made a significant contribution to the literature in
terms of examining and explaining the relationship between the concepts of strategy and
competition through the interaction of strategic thinking and competition intelligence.


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