Marketplace analysis of purchase decision factors for Instagram social media users
Instagram users, online shopping, price, promotion, purchase decision, security, trustAbstract
Currently, the role of technology, such as the internet, is very important to support
human activities. One of the uses of the internet is as a medium to support online shopping. In
addition, the existence of Instagram social media also affects consumers’ decisions in online
shopping. This study analyzes the purchasing decision factors of Instagram social media users
on the marketplace. The variables used in this study are price, promotion, trust, security,
Instagram social media users and purchase decision. The research framework was developed
using the theory of reasoned action. The sample in this study is consumers who have done online
shopping. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed via a Google form, of which 102 were
returned. The data analysis method in this study used Smart PLS 3.0. The results showed that
all variables had a positive and significant relationship with online purchasing decisions. This
research provides theoretical and practical implications. This study is useful for Instagram
social media users to consider the factors that purchasing decisions in online shopping have on
the marketplace.
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