Narrowing the Marketing Capabilities Gap




Analytics Adaptive Capabilities, Scale development, Marketing Capabilities Gap


Purpose: In marketing discipline, there is considerable interest in understanding the relationship between diverse approaches of Market Knowledge Learning and Organizational Performance, and recently, how analytics and emerging revolutionary technologies are changing this relationship. To fully apprehend this relationship it is first necessary to uncover the role of Marketing Capabilities, the management mechanism that boosts Organizational Performance using Market Knowledge. Design/methodology/approach: A new construct that embraces Analytics and Adaptive Capabilities approach (AAC) was developed to increase our comprehension of Marketing Capabilities mechanism using structural equation modeling and regressions. Findings: The model has shown an indirect-only effect of AAC using Static Marketing Capabilities as a mediator narrowing the Marketing Capabilities Gap and avoiding any tautological capabilities pitfalls. Research limitations: A deeper endogeneity test could be executed related to adaptive market approach as well it was an original preoccupation concerned to dynamics capabilities. Practical implications: It enabled managers to understand what AAC are. Additionally the results suggest precaution for headhunter because AAC needs pre-existing marketing capabilities. Social implications: It provides to managers a useful tool to assess their organizations regarding analytics in marketing realm, what makes it possible to compare with rivals and to predict the investments.
Originality/value: It lies in to appraise the Marketing Capabilities management mechanism and a step by step scale developed for AAC in different industries in Brazil.


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